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Library Regulations

The Library Regulations are listed in the College Calendar.

All readers are required to observe the terms of the Library Declaration.

Library Study Space Campaign

There are over 3,100 study spaces across the Library's physical estate. These study spaces are generally available on a 'first come, first served' basis. At times of peak demand (particularly in the run up to exams), study spaces can come under intense pressure. To address this issue, and to ensure that all readers have a reasonable opportunity to find a suitable study space, the Library implements the following seating policy:

Readers are not permitted to reserve study spaces by leaving their belongings or books on seats and desks. Library staff may remove belongings or books left unattended for more than 60 minutes at any study space, except for officially reserved carrels.

Nonetheless, the practice of 'desk-hogging' (i.e., the practice of leaving books and personal belongings unattended for long periods of time – sometimes overnight – thus preventing others from using those desks) is a perennial problem that can be a significant source of frustration for other readers. The Library is addressing this problem directly by launching a Library Study Space Campaign. Starting on Tuesday 19 March 2024, a dedicated steward team will patrol Library reading rooms to free up study spaces that have been unoccupied for more than 60 minutes. The team will operate using the following procedure:

  • Leaflets will be left at study spaces observed to be unattended. The leaflets will indicate the time at which the study space was observed to be unoccupied and the time at which it will be cleared should the reader fail to return within the allotted 60-minute period
  • Any books and belongings left at the study space will be cleared to a box and moved to a designated storage area on the same floor. This includes laptops and other portable devices, so readers are strongly advised to back-up all work regularly 
  • The information on each leaflet will also be recorded on separate clipboard sheets to ensure transparency

The Library Study Space Campaign relies on the cooperation of all readers. We ask that you support the study space team to ensure a level playing field for those who come to the Library to study and prepare for exams. You can assist us by not leaving laptops, phones, USB drives or any other valuables unattended for any length of time and by sticking to the 60-minute rule.

The Library shall not be held responsible for damaged or stolen belongings.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:

Library Quiet and Silent Zones

  • The Library is committed to providing a comfortable environment that is conducive to study and welcoming to all readers
  • Zoning is in place throughout the libraries to ensure an appropriate environment in each space
  • We depend on the co-operation of all readers to help manage noise levels



  • The Eavan Boland Library - Ground Floor
  • The Eavan Boland Library - Basement
  • Orientation Space (the central area connecting the three libraries)
  • Hamilton Library - Group Study Room
  • John Stearne Medical Library - Group Study Rooms
  • Quiet conversations only
  • Silent phone use
  • Readers must comply with instructions from staff members
  • If disruptive behaviour persists, reader(s) may be required to provide ID and leave the Library
Silent Zones
  • All reading rooms in Library buildings
  • Kinsella Hall (the 24-hour space in the Ussher Library)
  • Silence – no talking
  • Silent phone/laptop use
  • No noise from headphones
  • No group work


  1. It is a breach of the Library regulations to attempt to enter or leave any Library building by use of another reader's Identity Card or credentials. Readers must show their Trinity College Dublin ID Card, Library Link Card, or Visiting Reader Card on request to any member of the Library staff when within the Library.
  2. Before leaving Library buildings readers must present all books, bags and briefcases to the Library security guards for inspection on request. No Library book may be taken out of a Library building except a book the loan of which is permitted and which has been recorded by the Library staff as being on loan to the reader.
  3. Mutilation or defacement of any book or article of Library property is regarded as a major offence.
  4. Readers may not use bottles of ink or correction fluid in the Library, nor may such substances be left on desks or in reading rooms.
  5. The use, in a manner causing noise or disturbance, of electrical equipment such as computers, mobile phones, mp3 players, personal stereos, or radios is prohibited. Users of computers in the Library are reminded that they must also comply with the College's IT and network code of conduct and other regulations for the time being in force.
  6. Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes is forbidden in all parts of the Library.
  7. The consumption of food and drink is forbidden in all parts of the Library open to readers, with the exception of cold drinks in no-spill containers.
  8. Readers are not allowed to bring visitors into the reading rooms.
  9. Readers are not permitted to reserve study spaces by leaving their belongings or books on seats and desks. Library staff may remove belongings or books left unattended for more than 60 minutes at any study space, except for officially reserved carrels.
  10. Readers are at all times responsible for their own property.
  11. Readers are required to comply with the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Acts, 2000 when making photocopies from material which enjoys copyright protection. Failure to comply may expose the person to potential civil liability and, in the case of a student or staff member of College, to College disciplinary procedures. The attention of readers is drawn to the notices on display beside all photocopying machines in the Library. See Copyright page for more details.

Library Declaration

All readers are required to observe the terms of the Library Declaration.

The following is a translation of the declaration:

"I,...., do solemnly promise that, whenever I enter the Library, I will treat the books and other furniture of the Library in such fashion that they may last as long as possible. I further promise that neither will I myself take away any book nor designedly damage or write in or badly treat in any way whatever any book, nor so far as in me lies will I suffer such things to be done by others. All and each of which things and all the Statutes of the Library, in as far as they concern me, I promise and vow faithfully to observe."

In its original Latin:

"Ego,...., solemniter promitto, me, quoties in Bibliothecam hujus Collegii venire contigerit, libros ceteramque Bibliothecae supellectilem sic tractaturum, ut superesse quam diutissime possint. Promitto etiam quod neque ipse librum aliquem asportabo, sponte corrumpam, interscribam, aut alio quovis modo abutar, nec ab aliis haec fieri (quantum in me est) permittam. Quae omnia et singula, et omnia Bibliothecae statuta (quantum ad me attinet), me fideliter observaturum promitto, et spondeo."

Sanctions for Breach of Library Regulations

Breach of the Library regulations will result in sanction by the Librarian, the Junior Dean or the Disciplinary Committee, as appropriate.

Appeal against a Library penalty or decision of the Junior Dean is to the Disciplinary Committee.

The Librarian operates a system of penalties (as approved from time to time by the Board) for breaches of the Library regulations.

Penalties may include fines, administrative and other charges, ejection and temporary or permanent exclusion from the Library and/or the College and/or the University, and the confiscation of any personal property brought into or used within the Library in breach of Library and/or any other applicable College regulations.

The Library shall not be responsible, in any way whatsoever, for any property so confiscated.

Senior Sophisters and other final year students who have passed their final examinations are required to return all books to the Library within one month following their examinations.

The Library will return records of books and fines outstanding to the Proctors' Office, for the purpose of alerting students to their obligation to clear their Library records so that they may proceed to Commencements.